Change, or Feel the Friction of Time Moving Against you, Disruption is coming


Change is Inevitable

The only constant thing is change.  Nothing stays the same.

Life is a series of events, and It is natural for life to want to change, spring new, and grow.  You cannot stand in place forever against the friction of change. 

Change is good and brings opportunity. 


If you ask people if they want to change, they will say “YES,” but they will resist if you ask them TO change.  There is strong resistance to change because things will usually break. 

Traditionally, there is associated blame when things break.  This blame contributes to change resistance.  Change is labeled the primary cause of stress, but it is essential to recognize that our response is our stress.

Change management is the art of beneficial change with minimum interruption of today’s processes and services. 

Keep up with Change

Changes in objective or design strategies are inevitable, so plan for them rather than assume they will not come.  Business change is coming faster than ever due to technological changes, which further impact business changes.

Your ability to anticipate the nature of change determines your progress.  You must change your approach to match the ever-changing problem you are trying to solve.  It would be best if you changed your assumptions so you can see the world as it is.  

Change is automatic, but progress is NOT.  Change is happening daily, so too you must change as you strive for incremental improvement.  Change now, keep moving and build moment, or the friction of time will wear you down like sand against a rock.  You will have failure by standing still. 

Change the game from time to time to keep it fresh and fight against boredom, one of the plateaus to success.  If we are not improving, we are sliding.  We are never staying the same.  We need daily, never-ending consistent improvement.

Change Management Plan

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new – Socrates

Seven sub-plans combine to form a comprehensive change management plan.

  1. Resource Plan of people, money, time, and information
  2. Sponsor Plan for committing and motivating influential leaders to drive the change
  3. Stakeholder Engagement Plan
  4. Communication Plan to connect with your PRIMARY (Is most affected by your message), SECONDARY (Message heard through primary audience member or other unintentional sources), and TERTIARY audiences.  (Has little interest in or access to your message).
  5. Learning and Development Plan to analyze the skills needed, the skill gaps that exist, and how to close the gap for success.
  6. Measurement and Benefit Plan to keep metrics of crucial results and track if they contribute to the objectives set and benefits received in the original strategy.
  7. The sustainability Plan ensures the change becomes part of the culture and continues withstanding leadership changes in future years.

Sponsor/Change Agent Attitude & Qualities

The change agent is an Architect.  The change agent must ensure integrity for the total system, other-oriented attitudes, and adaptive program manager during the changes.

Change your attitude, and you will change your altitude.  If you are an agent of change, you cannot believe it, you must know that change is coming.  Knowing makes you sincere and authentic.  You must be patient like the ever-blowing sand in the winds of time.  The sand consistently rubs on the highest mountains and alters its facade over decades.

Change your identity, it makes you curious.  Your most incredible innovation will happen when you change your point of view.  See it from other’s points of view.  Change from great presentation to great connection, from excellent speaking to great listening.  

It would be best if you embodied the following change attitudes:

  1. “Why” Focused, benefits of doing changes. Change is about great questions.
  2. Sincere
  3. Patient
  4. Good Humored
  5. Optimistic with eyes on the future
  6. Curious, know what you want others to do as part of the changes
  7. Empathetic to others want
  8. Adaptive, match benefits to other’s want
  9. Desire to deliver the message
  10. Ability to Clarify the message, if possible, create the perception it was other’s idea
  11. Committed, enduring to explain the 100th time, knowing the 101st time may still not  break the rock of change

You will never change anything without patience for the right timing, dogged for the right angle of attack, and optimistic pig-headed determination that change is inevitably coming. – Stephen Choo Quan

Will you be a disruptor or stand in place waiting for change to overtake you?

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