Execution Excellence – 8 Habits of Effective Doing

Execution Excellence

Eight Fundamental Actions that make you Effective

  1. DON’T FIGHT YOUR BODY CLOCK. Sleep: you need energy for quick action transitions and knocking stuff out in bursts. See how much sleep do you need?. Get things done when you have your most energy.
  2. STOP DOING PRODUCTIVE. START BEING PRODUCTIVE. Decide Fast: Do not waste time and energy in decision-making when action is 80% of the results. Touch it once if you can. If it takes 2 minutes to do, then do it and not add it to a list. If you add it to a list, put a red dot next to it every time you touch it. Try to limit the dots to a maximum of three.
  3. SET LIMITS. THEY ARE YOUR GUARDIAN AGAINST OVERWHELM. Adjust your Load: Do not spend energy managing the list but just enough that you must finish all tasks on that day. Do not incur the extra cost of carrying additional activity. Allocate time per task and slot them in the day. Ideally, you should not have more than six things on your list.
  4. DON’T JUST PICK STUFF. PICK THE RIGHT STUFF. High Impact Tasks: Ensure you are doing 20% of the things that make 80% of the results. They are usually your most demanding tasks. Work before play. What you do first compounds in the long run. Activity is not the same as achievement.
  5. KNOW YOUR “WHY TO-DO” LIST SO YOU CAN PRACTICE ABANDONMENT.  Know when to Stop Doing: When the impact is reduced, then reduce the effort to match. Know when you are done. See when the task no longer aligns with the objective.  Try to eliminate tasks if possible. Here are two signals that hint remove. 1. I used to use it, or I use it, but not right now. 2. I would use it, but … This is YAGNI – “You Aren’t Gonna Need It“, so do not carry the cost.
  6. TAKE THE TIME TO CREATE SPACE FOR YOURSELF AND YOU’LL CREATE THE SPACE TO MAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF.  Be Flexible:  You must switch priorities based on the timing of results needed, even when you are in the Zone of another task. Bookmark for fast recovery against inevitable distractions.  Build-in catch-up blocks of time in your day.
  7.  SET UP YOUR SYSTEM IN THE SHORT-TERM TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE OVER THE LONG-TERM. Long Lead Times: start pre-planning as early as possible. Leave some margin of time in the day for this planning.  Five helpful planning questions: What precisely is to be accomplished, and the deadline?
    1. What does it mean to me?
    2. 3-5 significant components of accomplishment?
    3. Exact steps and deadlines for each of the steps for each component?
    4. Weekly time investment? How do you measure that it was achieved?
  8. BEING SELFISH WITH YOUR TIME CAN MAKE YOU MORE SELFLESS OVER TIME.  Leave some margin of time in the day for you to recharge. Multitask not important and not urgent tasks that cannot be delegated: If you can, try to overlap a thinking and non-thinking task. Some examples are plan while washing dishes, reading while waiting, folding clothes while watching TV, and stretching while talking on the phone.

Execution is the most important thing.

Leverage Pain

If you are not happy where you are, then you got to change it, take action. Conviction is a strengthened decision by focusing on the consequences of the actions. When you are in a state of action, there is no more thinking. There is only a feeling, the need to get it done by all means necessary.

When you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe, you will be a great success – Socrates.

Effective Actions flow from intention, be aware of them. What is important is knowing what is important. Intentions do not move mountains, bulldozers DO, but intention itself is an emotion, and emotions fuel bulldozers and drive actions.  

If we can define this pain as a purpose, then a pledge against this purpose is the most potent binding force to action. 

The future belongs to risk-takers, willingness to take action without any guarantee of results. The action builds confidence, and confidence builds more action; Confidence is thought that there is the ability to succeed.


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