What is the One Career Skill that can Never be Outsourced? – Vision



Vision is what you see in your mind’s eye. What you can see, you can create, that is a vision, hold it powerfully in your mind and create the next layer and texture. 

You see what you get like Walt Disney saw Disney World in his mind long before the construction company built it, Coke saw the global vision of everyone in the world, tasting a coke. Moonshot is the best vision ever, and the benefits are still going downstream.

You cannot set daily goals without vision. Spend time on your vision as it serves as the map against which you can set and communicate immediate smaller and doable goals. These decomposed goals are what you can do today to step closer to the big vision.


All companies that have Massive Transformational Purpose (MTP) have one common denominator, which is Vision. All vision must come from inside, and it must have a weight that pulls you and pushes you because there are consequences to not getting the dream done. That is a passionate vision.

Vision is the one thing that cannot be replaced; it is vision that injects and inspires passion, the future view. Vision divides people. It does not unite them. If there are people who are for it and against it, that is a passionate vision. Do not fear people against your point of view. There will always be 20% of the people that will oppose you 100% of the time.

If everyone agrees with you, then what you stand for is not polarizing enough, that means it does not bear enough emotional pull to make people care.

Vision without actions is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.

Many people are dreamers with good ideas but little action. Most people would prefer to follow a leader who has the same idea since it takes much less effort than they are willing to spend.  Without vision, you cannot be a leader; other people’s personal agendas will take over without it.

A strong, passionate vision will not only push you and others to come along with you, but you will not need to be pulled along with motivation.
It would help if you had a product vision board. Cast a clear vision by using a poster.


It is the first step in the natural planning method. Find your “Why?”, then drive that project over your core values. Next is a clear vision of the outcome, taste what success tastes like, “the what?”. Chaos is the time between the vision and the clarity of the change. Chaos can be overcome by slowing down to make communication clear and simple. 

  • Do I understand?
  • Will they understand?
  • Can they say what I said?
  • Will others understand them?

Sync what the client vision is with yours, and with a lateral clear vision, you can brainstorm the many options, then components or milestones, sequence, and priority to get things done.

Create a clear market vision, make it a slogan like Domino’s, hot pizza or its free, or when it must be there overnight – FedEx. Share your vision with energy, and you will have many people who want to travel with you.

Jeff wants to be here in 20 years. He is a visionary and always looking for what things can be, not selling books but helping clients make buying decisions — Amazon.com.


Reading fuels passion, and passion fuels vision. Creating a vision is a complex process. If I had to do an equation to create a vision, it would be:

Vision = (Reading knowledge + Network Empathy ) X Propensity for Change + (Creative Problem Solving + Strategic Future Thinking). 

A vision statement grounded in meaningful and compelling values creates a blueprint for how to invest our energy.

“Futuristic People especially talented in the Futuristic theme are inspired by the future and what could be. They inspire others with their visions of the future”

There is a double bottom line, the people and the profit. You must get these 2 right then everything will go the right way.

  1. How you get others to care?
  2. Is the vision theirs and yours?

To get someone to care, you care about the people around them and the company’s vision. That is how you get productivity through the roof. The family, the business, and you need the vision to get onto, “a deep why” it gives meaning to your life, a quality of life, your vision is your legacy, it is your compass.

Vision is the map; it makes no sense getting there faster if your direction is wrong; your emotions provide you the map to know what is important. Write down where you want to go, the energy of thought, and organize your vision on paper. It will align your direction and unlock your inner energy.

The role of the leader is to define reality and to give hope. The clarity of the reality and the vision is far more important than hope. Motivation comes from Vision. Nice words in nice fonts will not motivate you; it is that powerful desire to improve and have a better life quality.

There are 5 to Thrive:

  1. Stimulate interest
  2. Transition Interest
  3. Share vision now, (20%)
  4. Manage vision
  5. Execute vision (80%)

In summary, get good people, get a common vision then let them do it. Agree on profits and core values and spend 80% of time and energy getting your vision executed.


“Leadership is the ability to articulate the vision and get someone to carry it out,” says Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric.

Leaders see BEFORE, and leaders see MORE. You get the vision for free, but you must work for the execution. Leaders are outward-facing visionaries, and managers are inward-facing employee-focused, but both are equally important for executing the vision.

7 Dimensions of a Leader:

  1. Vision is an extreme dream
  2. Influential Communication
  3. Personality – loves people.
  4. Has character, does the right thing, takes charge
  5. Act bold
  6. Has competence and competes
  7. Is a Servant

7 Principles to Manage me by your vision:

  1. Golden rule – do onto others as you would like done to you.
  2. Be consistent
  3. Be clear about objectives and tie it to my role.
  4. Please give me the vision for the next 2 yrs.
  5. Give lots of rope but never let go.
  6. Immediate feedback, let me know if you are unhappy.
  7. Make me feel like an owner (share in the suffering and spoils).

Vision is the breakfast of champions; feedback is the lunch, and self-correction is the dinner. The product vision is a living guide and is constantly changing its emergent and current to the daily market.


Traditionally we follow the lineage of first a vision, then strategy, then a product. Over iterations, we pivot the strategy and optimize the product. Vision needs empirical testing, just as theory needs experiments.

We can use goals to guide the vision by getting an early release reviewed before its finished. It is not the best and most polished state because the usage and value will alter what you think the product vision is. It would be best if you had testing and feedback to guide you in the product value.


Vision means to SEE IT (before & more than anyone else), COMMUNICATE IT, and PURSUE IT. The CEO’s job is clarity of vision, a poster on the wall so everyone can see it and point to Polaris, the north star.

Decisions makers need -Long term vision or outcome, act without permission, standalone if needed, have strong inner values to know what not to fall for so can act in vigor.

Sylvester Stallone’s vision could not be compromised.  He would not be bought out for 350K for his rights to his script “Rocky”, instead he sold it for 35K and a golden ticket to be an actor and make his dreams happen.

Leadership is to have the vision to see past a dead-end, the courage to push forward, set the bar to new levels. As a visionary, you are responsible for looking out for changes, especially X10 forces of change in the landscape, and constantly recourse the direction, distinguishing between signal and noise.

7 characteristics of Visionary Leaders:

  1. Challenge the Status Quo.
  2. Culture in goals and involve others.
  3. Curious about the world they are trying to change.
  4. Has charisma to attract followers.
  5. Communicate the vision of the future.
  6. Commit to the vision and make decisions based on commitments to the vision.
  7. Connect followers and foster idea spreading.

Pragmatists are about incremental percentage improvement, but visionaries are trying to make quantum leaps, revolutionary change.

Stephen Choo Quan

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