4 Ways to Boost your Business Objects Universe Performance and Turbo Charge Slow Running Relational Queries


Four techniques that we will cover to Boost your Business Objects Universe Performance are as follows:

  1. Customized List of Values (LOV) and User Workflow Blocking.  When using LOVs on a Fact table, consider using the dimension table to get the values and not the fact table.  In addition since you will probably have an index on the ID as the primary key, you will want to block having the description as part of the where predicate and use the id instead but the customized LOV will show both the id and descriptions for ease of use.  Lastly you can share this LOV across many columns in various tables therefore reducing the size of the overall universe and making faster export times (at least for the unv version).  If you need some basics on Lov’s
  2. Index awareness.   this feature was introduced in version 6.5 which means you must be at least at that version to be able to consider using it but today many users are on version BI 4.2.x which will not pose an issue
  3. Aggregate awareness
  4. Short cut joins: they are very easy to use, if you have a Table A joined to table B joined to Table C, you can put a shortcut between A and C and if you use objects from only A and C it will eliminate Table B in the SQL.  Just add the short cut check box as shown.

When these techniques are used it will do better query rewrite at SQL generation and Turbo Charge Slow running Queries by aiding the database to take the best explain plan.