8 ways the best Toastmasters clubs are attracting new members?

  1. Above all, enjoy a quality meeting and create a soap opera closing. End your current meeting with excitement for the next meeting, a cliffhanger that people will look forward to hearing.
  2. Get special top-end guest speakers to increase the quality and energy of the next club meeting.
  3. Market the guest and the next meeting and share marketing material with the guest to promote themselves and invite their network to hear them speak.
  4. Real success stories of how Toastmasters is making fundamental differences in personal life or careers. This a great way to invite guests to come again.
  5. Post-meeting networking: Get informal guest feedback after the meeting is officially closed. This is guest inclusion for speaking in the current meeting without pressure and a warm speaking entry for the next meeting. Refer to guests as future members and put all hot leads in a group chat immediately after the meeting.
  6. Visit and support other clubs and invite the best members of those clubs to do select roles in your club. How do you ensure they come and do the roles? Let them know their skills are well appreciated at your club and that you would like to showcase them to your members. You send reminders as the time draws near to confirm.
  7. Personalized invitations. People want to be wooed and made to feel special. Make them feel special and let them know the benefits. Personally invite them, especially as the president or officers.
  8. Remind everyone before and on the day of the meeting. Send out dial-in information to everyone, especially if changes are made weekly. Both members and guests love reminders.


  • Put out photos and videos of your officers and team members on your website so others can see who they will come to meet at your club.
  • Distribute your website via digital channels and put out printed flyers for nontechnical target segments.
  • Post minutes to let new guests know what they missed
  • Free pizza tends to attract new guests if you are in person.