My Rags to Riches Story – Part3 EXECUTE


When I was 12 years old, I met Wade Allard. I’m not sure if it was Serendipity or fate because his last name started with an “A” mine with a “C,” and we were both in one “B.” Over the years, we just kept running into each other in each class, and we started to realize how much we have in common, starting with “DJ Red Alert.”

Wade is one of those people that is always ahead of his time. On a trip to Paria, Wade went so far ahead of the pack that everyone thought he was lost, but ironically, he was already there. When we were in form three, we started an intra-school basketball league, which I believe helped to incubate many of the basketball players that helped us become North Zone champion years to come.

In form 5, Wade asked me if I wanted to join the interact competition. The competition was a joint talent show between St. Joseph’s Convent Port-Of-Spain and Saint Mary’s College. I said yes, and to our surprise, we placed second. A few days later, Wade came over to my house and asked me if I wanted to throw a party?

I remember this moment vividly because I think this was the birth of  a defining moment for me. If I looked back to every Action executed and eventually leading to Trini Jungle Juice, it would come right back to this conversation when he asked me to make this phone call.

As we spoke about the germ of an idea of the party and we agreed let us do it. The next question was what do we need to do to get it done. We both decided we would need sponsorship.

Who would be our sponsor? Wade asked me to call the Lonsdale advertising agency and see if they would help us with our Flyers.

Unconsciousiously, Four things happened at this moment. 

  1. Did I want this?
  2. What would it cost me, and what fears would I have to Overcome?
  3. Was I willing to pay the price and get it done?
  4. When was I going to start paying?

I hesitated for one moment and then picked up the Yellow Pages, found their phone number, and dialed. I remember how nervous I was making this call, but you cannot overthink it, or the thoughts will paralyze you.  We got the sponsorship for “UNFORGETTABLE PART2 – Bonita Applebum” at the attic.  

I believe this is where we coined our Mantra. “A” is for Action. We lived and breathed this Mantra before we even knew what it was. This Mantra became something we would tell each other very often over the years.  This party gave birth to C.I.Dee G2W promotions which hosted numerous events.  The last event done in Trinidad was an event called Jungle Juice before I migrated to Bardados in 1997.

Six years later, my brother Andre Choo Quan ask me if I would like to start a web company to showcase the lifestyle of Caribbean Culture and entertainment. He fancies the name Jungle Juice, and we landed on Trini Jungle Juice as the domain name. I did not think twice, “A” is for Action, and the rest is history.

The lessons for life are:

  1. The more you complain, the less you obtain. If you defend your fears, you will be correct.
  2. Set your bar level higher than expectations by underpromising and 5% over-delivering.
  3. Dream Big and believe that it is possible
  4. Make a decision and GO. Take Action. You may fail, but that is where you learn.
  5. Problem-solving is born in Action, so get started to get honest feedback and see the natural obstacles.
  6. Do “whatever it takes” to get it done in the timeframe and the best you can do it.
  7. Focus on doing your ALL.  Do not focus on doing the best or perfection in your mental model. You may not be there today.


Part1 – Team

Part2 – WIN