Steve Hoberman’s Data Modelling Questions Made Simple


Steve Hoberman’s 10 Questions to use in your Data Model Scorecard 

  1. How do the characteristics of the model support the type of model e.g., OLTP or OLAP
  2. How well does the model capture the requirements?
  3. How complete is the model?  
  4. How structurally sound is the model? Have you checked primary and Alternate Keys, no null values, referential integrity, check constraints, Indexes, Partitions, etc  
  5. How well does the model leverage generic structures?
  6. How well does the model follow naming standards?
  7. How well is the model arranged for readability?
  8. How good are the definitions? Document the entities and each attribute, and give examples of values.
  9. How consistent is the model with the enterprise standards? Did you refer to the enterprise glossary for physical and logical definitions reuse?
  10. How well does the metadata match the data?