KPI of Toastmaster Officer Roles: measures of success

SAA All club meeting roles are set up and ready to go 10 minutes before the meeting, and the room is prepared to go 10 minutes before the meeting.
VP Education All speaking slots are filled per meeting, and members are filled at each level per month
VP Marketing/PRTrack and increase the following:
Total attendance count, total member counts, total guest counts
VP Membership Track hot leads in each meeting, tracking pending members, new members, and attrition of current members with reasons for leaving.
Finance Track membership renewals and payments, Track spending and income
SecretaryTrack minutes of meetings and prepare agendas for meetings
PresidentHelp each officer in their role, keep everyone collaborating and working as a team.

Six of the 10 Distinguished Club Program (DCP) points go to education, so it is crucial to track the VP of Education metrics and align them with the number of speaking slots you allocated for the year. For example, if you meet bi-weekly, that is 2 X 12 months = 24 club meetings. Each meeting has three speaking slots, so you can have 24 X 3 = 72 project tasks done. If each pathway has four project tasks on average, you can churn out 72/4 = 18 Levels.

To get 6 points, you will need at least 11 levels completed by key members:

  • 4 Level1 – 1pt
  • 4 Level2 – 2pts
  • 1 Level3 – 1pt
  • 1 Level4 – 1pt
  • 1 Level5 or DTM – 1pt
# Members to PassLevel#Points Acquired
4 Level1 1
4 Level22
1 Level31
1 Level41
1 Level51

The other 4 points are broken up as follows

  • Add eight members or four members per point – 2 pts
  • Admin Officer list – 1pt
  • TLI Training for officers (min of 4 officers) – 1pt

In summary, 8/10 points are for scheduling and evaluating speeches (6) and converting eight guests into members (2). The last 2 points are for admin and officer training from July 1st to June 30th the following year.