Yes, DBT (Data Build Tool) can work with streaming data when using Databricks, but with certain considerations and limitations. Here’s how it works and what to keep in mind:
1. Databricks and Streaming Data
Databricks supports processing streaming data using Structured Streaming, which is built on Apache Spark. Databricks handles real-time data ingestion, transformations, and analytics through its native streaming capabilities.
2. DBT’s Role in the Process
DBT is primarily designed for batch transformations in a SQL-based analytics workflow. It uses SQL to model data in a warehouse or a lakehouse, such as the Databricks Lakehouse Platform. While DBT itself does not natively support streaming transformations (since it’s oriented around batch processing), you can use it to:
- Define batch transformations that consume data from a streaming source that has been written into a Delta table.
- Work with Delta Lake, which supports both streaming and batch queries.
3. Workflow for Streaming with DBT and Databricks
A typical approach to using DBT with streaming data in Databricks involves:
- Streaming Ingestion to Delta Lake:
- Use Databricks Structured Streaming to ingest real-time data into Delta Lake tables.
- These Delta tables act as both the source and sink for streaming data.
- Batch Processing with DBT:
- Define DBT models to perform batch transformations on the Delta tables.
- DBT can process data that has been ingested into Delta tables in micro-batches.
- You can define incremental models in DBT to process only the new data (e.g.,
- Querying Delta Tables with Stream-Aware Logic:
- Delta tables allow the mixing of batch and streaming queries. DBT can read the current state of Delta tables after each micro-batch is complete.
- Materializing Output:
- Use DBT to materialize tables/views or write back to Delta tables for downstream batch processing.
4. Limitations
- No Native Streaming in DBT: DBT doesn’t have built-in support for real-time streaming processing (e.g., handling continuous data ingestion).
- Latency Considerations: DBT can work with Delta tables in near-real-time scenarios (via incremental models), but it isn’t suitable for low-latency, real-time requirements.
- Triggering Jobs: Streaming jobs are typically triggered and managed in Databricks, while dbt transformations are triggered as batch jobs.
5. Example Workflow
- Streaming Job in Databricks:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
# Read from a streaming source (e.g., Kafka) streaming_df = spark.readStream.format("kafka") \ .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "server:9092") \ .option("subscribe", "topic") \ .load()
# Write to a Delta table streaming_df.writeStream \ .format("delta") \ .option("checkpointLocation", "/delta/checkpoints/streaming") \ .table("streaming_table")
- DBT Model for Incremental Processing:
-- models/transform_streaming_data.sql {{ config(materialized='incremental') }}
WITH new_data AS ( SELECT * FROM {{ source('schema', 'streaming_table') }} WHERE _ingest_timestamp > ( SELECT MAX(_ingest_timestamp) FROM {{ this }} ) )
SELECT *, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS processed_at FROM new_data
- Schedule dbt Jobs: Use a scheduler (e.g., dbt Cloud, Airflow, or Databricks Workflows) to trigger dbt models after streaming jobs written to Delta tables.
6. When to Use DBT with Streaming Data
- Use dbt for transformations on streaming data that has already been ingested into Delta tables.
- Use Databricks streaming jobs for continuous real-time processing and writing to Delta tables.
- Combine both tools when you need the flexibility of SQL transformations (DBT) alongside the scalability of Spark-based streaming (Databricks).
If you need low-latency real-time transformations, consider tools like Apache Flink or Spark Structured Streaming directly. DBT and Databricks are an excellent combination for batch transformations with near-real-time data.