My Top 10 Best Nonfiction Books


Stephen Choo Quan’s Pick of 10 Best Nonfiction Books of All-Time

This is my list of the 10 best nonfiction books. These authors and their foundational books that have helped shape my thinking and approach to life. In my opinion, these are 10 nonfiction books everyone should read. They are listed here in no particular order. (click on the book cover to link to it in Amazon)

PRINT/ eBook

Bold by Peter H Diamandis
Business and Wealth
Original Material: There are many recent case studies all relevant to anyone who will market and sell in the information age.
Writing Style: easy to follow
Practical Application: 10/10

PRINT/ eBook

Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz
Relationships and Networking
Original Material: This book is the master guide on networking like a commando.
Writing Style: easy to follow
Practical Application: 10/10

PRINT/ eBook

The Sticking Point Solution by Jay Abraham
Business and Wealth
Original Material: If your business revenue is stagnated then this book will supercharge you with ideas to get new deposits into your bottom line.
Writing Style: easy to follow
Practical Application: 10/10

PRINT/ eBook

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Category: Business and Wealth
Original Material: If you are unhappy in your job and fear to leave consumes you then Rich dad will inspire your inner entrepreneur.  It is not an easy journey but can be a more satisfying one than your current situation if you desire to be the master your own destiny.
Writing Style: easy to follow
Practical Application: 8/10

PRINT/ eBook

Warren Buffett Management Secrets Proven Tools by Mary Buffett
Category: Leadership and Management
Original Material: Mary Buffett not only breaks down the logic of how to identify a durable competitive advantage in a great business but the mindset of how to be a manager to lead these great companies.
Writing Style: easy to follow
Practical Application: 9/10

PRINT/ eBook

Marc McCormic on Negotiating by MARK H. McCORMACK
Category: Marketing and Selling
Original Material: Mark McCormack is thought to be the grandfather of sports management. He sites many real examples from his business life,  Mark gained the trust of Arnold Palmer and started the management practice whose principles are all still relevant today.
Writing Style: easy to follow
Practical Application: 9/10

PRINT/ eBook

How to win friends and influence People by Dale Carnigie
Category: Relationships and Networking
Original Material: Dale Carnegie Classic has endured that last 50 years.  Billionaire, Warren Buffett says this is his most prized certificates and I am sure you will think so too.
Writing Style: easy to follow
Practical Application: 8/10

PRINT/ eBook

The 8th Habit by Stephen R. Covey
Category: Personal Mastery
Original Material: Find your voice is the chant of this principle based timeless classic.  It takes an indepth look at becoming a total balanced person looking at the 4 quadrants of  Physical Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Conscious Intelligence and IQ.
Writing Style: easy to follow
Practical Application: 9/10

PRINT/ eBook

Difficult Conversations by Douglas Stone
Category: Relationships and Networking
Original Material: This book will change all your interactions forever both personal and professional.  It goes way beyond the techniques of paraphrase others and listen to others.  It provides the details on how to enter a difficult conversation, provide authentic empathy and close on a win/win note.
Writing Style: easy to follow
Practical Application: 10/10

PRINT/ eBook

Who says Elephants can’t dance? by Louis V Gerstner Jr
Category: Business and Wealth
Original Material: This Biography one of the great turn around stories of how big blue IBM was saved.  It shares the core principles need by Leaders to really make good into great.
Writing Style: easy to follow
Practical Application: 8/10

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