Toad IDE – Productivity Tricks and Shortcuts for Oracle Developers

Toad IDE

Shortcut to Advanced Code formatting or beautify code in TOAD


Shortcut to Comment/Uncomment Selected Text in TOAD


or  It’s listed under the Edit menu

Shortcut to Describe Selected Tables in TOAD

This executes a “describe” on the object your cursor is adjacent to (i.e. a table). This is different from the “desc [tablename]” command, since it pops up a TOAD window that is well-designed with an easy UI for navigating the object — the “desc” command in SQL will work similar to using SQL Plus where it will just show details in the result grid pane.

Shortcut to execute an explain plan on the current statement.


How to prevent TOAD from displaying large numbers in exponential notation

  1. View -> Toad Options -> Data Grids -> Data -> Untick “Display large numbers in Scientific notation
  2. Restart Toad or rerun query.

How to get total record count for a results set in TOAD

right click on the grid of results and select “record count

Run only the SQL that your cursor is on

This will run only the SQL that your cursor is on. You do not need to highlight the line or the entire SQL statement; simply place your cursor anywhere inside the SQL statement and click SHIFT-F9.

This will verify (parse) the statement without executing it.

Editing Shortcuts

CTR + Z Undo

SHIFT + CTR + Z reapply the last Undo (Redo Last Undo)

Ctrl+Spacebar -Code Templates (zen coding)
Ctrl+P – Strip Code Statement

Ctrl+U – Converts Text to Uppercase
Ctrl+L – Convert Text to Lowercase

Ctrl+A – Select All Text
Ctrl+C – Copy
Ctrl+X – Cut
Ctrl+V – Paste

Ctrl+F – Find
Ctrl+R – Find and Replace
F3 – Find Next Occurrence
Shift+F3 – Find Previous Occurrence
Ctrl+G – Goto Line

Ctrl+S – Save File
Shift+Ctrl+S – Save File As

Ctrl+E – Execute Explain Plan on the Current Statement
F5 – Execute SQL as a script
F8 – Recall Previous SQL Statement
F9 – Execute Statement
Ctrl+F9 – Set Code Execution Parameters
Shift+F9 – Execute Current SQL statement at Cursor
Ctrl+N – Recall Named SQL Statement
Alt+Up Arrow – Display Previous Statement
Alt+Down Arrow – Display Next Statement (After Alt+Up Arrow)

Ctrl+Home – In the data grid: goes to the top of the record set
Ctrl+End – In the data grid: goes to the end of the record set
Ctrl+Tab – Cycles through the Collection of MDI Child Windows

F4 – Describe Table, View, Procedure, Function
Ctrl+T – Columns Drop-down
Shift+Ctrl+R – Alias Replacement