Can I get a pretty website?


Yes, you can.  You must first understand that there is a difference between stylish (pretty) and functional design.  People who are searching the web are not looking for pretty websites. They are looking for information.

I was struggling to find where I can find the requirements to fill out a visa application for France.  I had to call the consulate so they could tell me where to click four levels down so I could get the information that I needed.  I think that should be page 1 or page 2 because it must be frequently asked for.  I did not care how pretty their site was.  I wanted to get a Visa so I could go to France.

If you have the information clients are looking for and lay out the information  so it is easy to find and digest then you are designing a good website.  The experience your customers have completing their top tasks has a significant influence on what they think of your organization and brand.

If you build a website to be smooth as silk to complete the task and fast as a Ferrari, your customers will find it useful and return for future business.  Your website should do a small set of top tasks well. Ideally, there should be something you do that beats everyone else.  At this point, I would say let’s make it pretty as well.

Stephen Choo Quan