Business Books

book_title book_author
mixergy – Harry Campbell – The Rideshare Guy Andrew Warner
Mixergy Andrew Warner
PowerTalk: Mark Mc Cormack Anthony Robbins
The Big Book of HR Barbara Mitchell and Cornelia Gamlem
Mixergy – WILD AUDIENCE Bastian Ernst
Business @ Speed of Thought Bill Gates
So You Want to be an Entrepreneur? Dan Appleman
Velocity Dee Jacob
the Lean Startup Eric Ries
Mixergy – RAINFORESTQA Fred Stevens-Smith
The 10X Rule Grant Cardone
Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits! Greg Crabtree and Beverly Blair Harzog
The Sticking Point Solution Jay Abraham
Inside Druker’s Brain Jeffrey A. Krames
Built to Last Jim Collins
How the mighty FALL Jim Collins
Good to Great Jim Collins
Investing in People John Boudreau, Wayne Cascio and Alexis Fink
Business Adventures John Brooks
Fundamentals of Business The Personal MBA Josh Kaufman
Personal MBA Josh Kaufman
Risk Management JPMC
Work Together Anywhere Lisette Sutherland and Kirsten Janene-Nelson
The Advice Trap Michael Bungay Stanier
Competitive Strategy Michael E. Porter
Clockwork Mike Michalowicz
One-day MBA Paul Lerman
The Effective Executive Peter F. Drucker
Managing for the future the 1990s Peter F. Drucker
Managing the non-profit Organization Peter F. Drucker
Essential Drucker Peter F. Drucker
Zero to One Peter Thiel and Blake Masters
How to Launch a Photography Business Pye Jirsa
The First 90 Days Ryan Hawk and Michael Watkins
The Half-Life of Facts Samuel Arbesman
Lost Interview Steve Jobs
Stealing Fire Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal
Build your Vision from the Ground Up T.D Jrakes
The World is Flat Thomas L. Friedman
Subtle Acts of Exclusion Tiffany Jana and Michael Baran
Goliath’s Revenge Todd Hewlin and Scott A. Snyder
50 Success Classics Tom Butler-Bowden
Blue Ocean Shift W. Chan Kim
Blue Ocean Strategy W. Chan Kim
Portable MBA in entrepneurship William D Bygrave


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