Customer Focused Books

book_title book_author
Page One: Inside The New York Times Allan
Zingerman’s guide to giving great service Ari Weinzweig
Pet Photography Arica Dorff
Best Practices from Arthur Anderson Arthur Anderson
Powerful Business Planning Barbara Findlay Schenck
Ben & Jerry’s Double dip Ben & Jerry
Powerful Communication Owns the Room Bill Hoogterp
Senior Photography: Break the Mold Blair Phillips
ReInvention Brian Tracy
Tuned In Craig Stull
Difficult Conversations Douglas Stone
The Art of WOO G. Richard Shell
Lean Thinking James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones
JPMC – CEO Jamie Diamond
How To Make Money With Social Media Jamie Turner
Pricing, Strategy, and Business for Photographers Jared Bauman
Becoming a Better Listener Jason Alba
It is not the big eating the small, it is the fast Jason Jennings
Little Black book of Connections Jeffrey Gitomer
Customer-Driven Transformation Joe Heapy, Oliver King and James Samperi
Turn Customers Into Fans in the First 100 Days JOEY COLEMAN
Everybody communicates few connect John C. Maxwell
The Starbucks Experience Joseph A. Michelli
Pricing and Sales for Photographers Julia Kellehe
Create a Culture of Great Customer Service Kate Edwards
Raving Fans Kenneth Blanchard
How to talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime Larry King
What the Most Successful People Do before breakfas Laura Vanderkam
No Hard Feelings Liz Fosslien And Mollie West Duffy
What the Dog Saw Malcolm Galdwell
Never Wrestle with a Pig Mark H. Mc Cormack
Staying Street Smart in the Information Age Mark Mc Cormack
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There Marshall Goldsmith
e-Myth revisited Michael E. Gerber Michael Perry
Release 2.0 na
Being Digital Nicholas Negroponte
Overcome Fear to Get What You Want Noah Kagan
Escape from Cubicle Nation Pamela Slim
Flawless Consulting Peter Block
Fifth Discipline Peter M. Senge
7 Simple things you can do to improve your career Philip B Crosby
Customer Driven company Richard C. Whiteley
Business Side of Photography Rick Sammon
The Forever Transaction Robbie Kellman Baxter
48 Laws of Power Robert Greene
FRICTION Roger Dooley
High School Senior Photography Sal Cincotta
The Icarus Deception Seth Godin
Linchpin Seth Godin
Who Moved My Cheese? Spencer Johnson
Make it your Business Stephen Shiffer
Three Laws of Performance Steve Zaffron & Dave Logan
Create the Incredible: Experimental Portraits Sue Bryce, Lara Jade
Value Pricing & Business Models for Creative Entrp Tara Gentile
In search of excellence Thomas J. Peters
Shut Up and Listen! Tilman Fertitta
The Four Hour Work Week Timothy Ferriss
Being Creative Under Pressure Todd Henry
In Persuit of WOW Tom Peters
Photoweek Variety
Best of Lighting Zack Arias


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