Essential Unix Commands


Here are some of the most popular and commonly used command-line commands in Unix:

  1. ls – Lists directory contents.
  2. cd – Changes the current directory.
  3. pwd – Prints the current working directory.
  4. cp – Copies files and directories.
  5. mv – Moves or renames files and directories.
  6. rm – Removes files or directories.
  7. touch – Creates an empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing file.
  8. mkdir – Creates a new directory.
  9. rmdir – Removes empty directories.
  10. chmod – Changes file permissions.
  11. chown – Changes file owner and group.
  12. cat – Concatenates and displays the content of files.
  13. more – Views file contents one screen at a time.
  14. less – Similar to more, but with more features.
  15. head – Outputs the first part of files.
  16. tail – Outputs the last part of files.
  17. echo – Displays a line of text or a variable value.
  18. grep – Searches for patterns in files.
  19. find – Searches for files and directories in a directory hierarchy.
  20. man – Displays the manual pages for commands.
  21. ps – Displays information about active processes.
  22. kill – Sends signals to processes, typically to terminate them.
  23. top – Displays real-time system information, including active processes.
  24. df – Reports file system disk space usage.
  25. du – Estimates file space usage.
  26. tar – Archives files.
  27. gzip – Compresses files.
  28. gunzip – Decompresses files.
  29. ssh – Connects to a remote machine securely.
  30. scp – Securely copies files between hosts.
  31. wget – Downloads files from the web.
  32. curl – Transfers data from or to a server.
  33. awk – Pattern scanning and processing language.
  34. sed – Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
  35. nano – Simple text editor.
  36. vi or vim – Advanced text editor.

These commands form the backbone of Unix command-line operations and are essential for various tasks like file management, system monitoring, process control, and networking.