How to get a higher paying job in this recession

Barbara Executive HeadShots

Times are tough.  The recession is pounding us into the dirt while inflation is creeping up.  We all need to get a raise and if your current boss is not willing to raise you then you need to open up your options.  The best time to look for a job is when you have a job.  It is a bit late once you have lost your current job.  Also once you have options you are in a better place to negotiate the rates at the current job or take up the better option that values your skill set.

Which one of these people would you Hire?

How do you go about getting these new job opportunities?  I got 3 words for you,  Interview, Interview and Interview.

It is the only way.  The best interviewees are always ready with an updated offline and online resume.

The sophisticated ones have websites with blogs.  This may sound like profiling on employers part but

your picture is going to help you get foot in the door. It is just human nature, all things being equal the

person with the better picture is going to get the first call. Let take a case in point, if you made a choice based on these

pictures then the employer will do the same.



these are random selections that I made from LinkedIn.






BTW if you picked the last Photo, and you want to enhance your digital profile  then you should give me a call or text me

@ 302 312 4611 for a free consultation.

Barbara Executive HeadShots


Why not have dignified, gorgeous, sexy, flawless images of you?

Put your best foot forward.  Call or text me and we will make it happen: 302 312 4611


We can present, all your different looks. Let us show the world your soul.

Call or text me and we will make it happen

302 312 4611

Barbara Executive Headshots