How to Get Your Best Salary for Your Skills

magic of understanding

Pay criteria are subjective and based on the following:

  1. The interviewer’s opinion of your experience
  2. Your growth Potential or projected earnings for your strategic skills
  3. Your salary history
  4. The current market value of the job

You would think you need to be brilliant to get your dream salary. While that is helpful, I would suggest you consider this 3 step process that can give you a favorable impression and land your dream salary by demonstrating that you know your stuff and how to communicate it.

Step1: Understand the issue using Empathic Active Listening

There are 4 degrees of active listening.

Reflecting on what was said is the most basic form of active listening, but it can seem robotic without genuine emotion.

Interpreted reflection is good since it shows that you listen to what is being said and make sense of it. This is a step above pure mirroring.

The interpreted feeling is better since we are getting to the root cause of the issue described by the speaker.

Empathic Active Listening is communicating both interpreted reflection and the interpreted feeling. This understanding has both contents and feels in its review.

You will not have any influence until you are open to being influenced. A Salary bump starts in step1, with empathetic, active listening.

Step2: Ensure they feel you understand their problem.

We will not remember things said or done, but we will not forget how someone makes us feel. This feeling is an essential step in any interview process. Ensure the interviewer feels understood before you attempt to answer questions. It would be best if you diagnosed before you prescribe.

Step3: Communicate how you can solve it by answering the following 4 Questions: 

  1. Is there an answer? 
  2. Do you have the answer? 
  3. Can you deliver the solution?
  4. Will it work for them as it does for me?

Since money is the language of business, any way you can quantify the savings or opportunity of your solution will be bonus points as you approach your ask.

Now ask for the salary number that you value for yourself.

I am sure you will get it. Good luck!


Results will vary depending on market demand at the time of the interview. You will need to know your numbers. You will also need to show that your deal is a bargain rate for the value you offer.