Marketing Books

book_title book_author
22 immutable laws of marketing Al Ries and Jack Trout
22 immutable laws of branding Al Ries and Laura Ries
High School Senior Photography Marketing Plan Alycia White
Vlog Like a Boss Amy Schmittauer
TJJ Marketing Machine Andre Choo Quan
Double your Followers with Creatiive Marketing April Bowles-Olin
Fearless Marketing Barbara Findlay Schenck
Inbound Marketing Brian Halligan
Predictably irrational Dan Ariely
Magnetic Marketing Dan S. Kennedy
Thinking, Fast and Slow Daniel Kahneman
Mixergy – Hotjar David Darmanin
World Wide Rave David Meerman Scott
Make Your Website Work For You Devin Duncan
Marketing Made Simple Donald Miller and Dr. Peterson
Cashvertising Drew Eric Whitman
Road Map to Commercial Photography Erik Almas
Thankyou Economy Gary Vaynerchuk
Ask GaryVee Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary Vee Podcast Gary Vaynerchuk
Crossing the Chasm Geoffrey A. Moore
YouTube Marketing James Wedmore
Guerrilla marketing for the home-based business jay Conrad Levinson
Effective E-mail and Newsletter Marketing Jeff Goins
Duct Tape Marketing John Jantsch
Contagious: why things catch on Jonah Berger
Stories that Stick Kindra Hall
Your Passion is a full time job Kyle Johnson
Social Media Marketing Lindsay Adler
Online Marketing Fundamentals Lori Thomas Ross
Hey, Whipple, squeeze this Luke Sullivan
The Tipping Point Malcolm Gladwell
Marie TV Marie Forleo
Buyology Martin Lindstrom
Book Yourself Solid Michael Port
6 pixels of Separation Mitch Joel
Marketing 101 @JP na
Inbound Nancy Harhut
Make Your Business Stand Out In Search Engines Neil Patel
Sway Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman
Bold Peter H Diamandis
Building Your Brand Porter Gale
Buying In Rob Walker
Photography Brand Makeover Sarah Petty and Erin Verbeck
Purple Cow Seth Godin
Tribes Seth Godin
Small is the New Big Seth Godin
This is Marketing Seth Godin
Stand Out Marketing Stacey Danheiser, Dr. Simon Kelly
Nudge Thaler, Richard H


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