Marketing Will Be 80% Spend On Interactive Digital Format By 2017

ditital marketing

Marketing goal is to get more customers knowing about, interested in and buying the product or service.  Mass broadcasting of the product over TV, Print or Radio has been wildly successful for many years.  This approach does have it draw backs.  A few of them are customers still need to take action to buy which means going to the brick and mortar store.  Another is it does not have a way to hear the voice of the client and overcome objections t the sale and lastly it is hard to measure the return on the spend of a campaign.  We cannot expect very high conversion rates by just putting the word out to the masses and expecting customers to show up and buy. Phone calls and customer files must now be augmented by web searches, website history, order history and sentimental tweets or comments in some channel.

2010 decade is going to be about Digitally Social, Real Time interaction using Mobile devices and Integrated Big Data of all these digital foot prints.  This deadly combination of technology will leap frog the ancestor methods as the way we market products.  It is important to note that tomorrow’s customers is “Generation Y” a much more tech savy and parallel processing brain.  Future consumers are likely to love texting and using mobile devices.  They are also likely to be engaged on some digital social network or community of interest(s).

Marketing will need to be creating new innovative products or services based on the future customer’s needs.  Marketing must innovate in the social aspect to draw out interaction.  This interaction must be along multiple channels and multiple devices.  These marketers will need to survey the communities and extract the sentiments of the customers.  Marketing will need to aggregate these sentiments to innovate and then present an innovative campaign(s) that reflect understanding of needs.  These must be injected back into those communities with actionable links. e-commerce must be available to satisfy customers peaked interest.

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Stephen Choo Quan

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