Motivation Framework: Work with the Brain, not against it.

Brain Alignment
  1. The brain loves clarity and simplicity.
  2. The brain loves effortless and easy.
  3. The brain loves proof of success.
  4. The brain abhors gaps. This is why we get hooked on Netflix series and soap operas. We want to see how this ends. We want to close the gap. 

Tactic for Natural Motivation:

    • Use a Visual Calendar: It is easy to digest and remember the milestones.  The space in the calendar reminds us how much runway we have to meet the milestone.
    • Use a List: decompose big complex tasks into simple steps on a list. Send these lists out daily to your audience.
    • See Others in Action. “Mirror neurons” will impel you to echo other people’s actions. Sometimes I go to the gym to see others training, and that gets me saying, “I gotta do it too.” If you cannot get out, there are many stars on youtube.  If many hands make the work lighter, then shadowing others makes the doing easier.
    • Provide Templates. Templates provide frameworks with guard rails to complete the task and criteria to evaluate quality control of the output.
    • Create an audience for your output and communicate an expected date and time of delivery. The audience expectancy will create more pull effect than you needing motivation. 
    • Create an immediate feedback loop. The feedback is like a mini-treat. If there is a mutually beneficial reward to your end product for both you and the feedback sender, there will be an even more motivational pull.  Creating a monthly award ceremony that tells your audience what you are rewarding and puts the limelight on them.
    • Start then stop doing a clearly defined, effortless task. The stop just after starting creates a gap, and the brain will want to close this gap. An example of exercise can be getting your gym clothes and bag ready but not walking out the door. Maybe you put on a fragrance that acts as a trigger and a reminder. Add the incomplete job to your to-do list. Yes, it is a Cliff Hanger effect.

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