My Top 25 Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts for Java Programmers

Java Programming
  1. CTRL + 3 is the master key to search any feature
  2. Alt+Shift+J to add Javadoc comment. To add a comment to a field, position the cursor on the field declaration. To add a comment to a method, position the cursor anywhere in the method or on its declaration
  3. CTRL + SHIFT + R to open a resource
  4. F3 to open declaration to dive into methods
  5. SHIFT and hover mouse is like F3 above, without leaving the current position
  6. CTRL + O gives the outline with filter to jump to methods
  7. CTRL + SHIFT + O – Organize imports
  8. CTRL + spacebar: content assist, configure this stuff: window -> preferences -> java -> editor -> content assist
  9. CTRL + SHIFT + L to list all short cuts
  10. sysout + spacebar: content assist to insert System.out.println()
  11. CTRL +1 to create local variables 
  12. CTRL + L to go to the specified line number
  13. CTRL + w to close the current file,
  14. CTRL + SHIFT + w close all files
  15. CTRL + Q go to the place of last edit
  16. Alt + right and Alt + left for going back and forth on the history of editing path
  17. CTRL + D delete a line
  18. CTRL + SHIFT + / to comment out and un-comment a line, for a paragraph highlight the text to be commented out.
  19. CTRL + SHIFT + F to auto format (beautify the code)
  20. CTRL + SHIFT + P to find a closing brace
  21. CTRL + SHIFT + G to find references of the method/variable highlighted
  22. CTRL + SHIFT + H to find calling references of the method highlighted
  23. CTRL + SHIFT + T – search for type ( for example if you have an interface and you want to know who all  classes have implemented them. Very helpful tool while debugging.
  24. Alt <-  alt – > mostly used to navigate to previously opened tab.
  25. CTRL + page up and CTRL + page down navigate between previously opened screen and current screen.