Controlling Insights – Silver Bullets that lead to Results



One way to broadly define success is to have the most significant impact over an extended period. The effect of the outcome being more significant than the original expectation—the wider the variance between the anticipation and the result, the more influential the impact.

Controlling Insights has three features:

  1. Multiplying effect that has x10 Influence on excellence
  2. This applies to a wide range of cases
  3. Guides Action

Controlling Insights can be equated to the Pareto principle. It is the limited 20% of activities that gives 80% of the results. Let us explore some controlling insights.

Controlling Insights

on Health

The principles of health are sleep, nutrients (Detoxing or preventing toxic substances), exercise, and positive thoughts.

  1. Social Interaction
  2. Eating fresh superfoods and drinking pure water.
  3. Balance Sleep, Exercise, and Clean Eating. Get at least 2 out of 3 daily.
  4. Exercise is a keystone habit that makes the others naturally happen.
  5. In a pinch, if tired, choose sleep over exercise.
  6. Testing Range of Motion

on Physical Energy

  1. Sleep early and wake early
  2. Have a consistent daily wakeup time
  3. Drink 48-64 ounces of pure water daily
  4. Consistent breakfast by time and Nutrition
  5. Consistent lunchtimes and dinner times (last meal 3 hours before bed)
  6. Get balanced Nutrition from superfoods.
  7. Minimize simple sugar
  8. Take breaks every 90 minutes during work.
  9. Daily physical activity
  10. At least two cardio and three strength-training workouts per week

on Growth

  1. Compete to win,
  2. Record the outcome
  3. Get lots of feedback to acquire the best technique
  4. See losses as growing opportunities. A competitive streak that evaluates losses for improvement. 
  5. Learn
  6. Be consistent in incorporating feedback and practicing the best technique. 
  7. Perfect Practice: you cannot pull something out on game day that you never put in. Get the volume in.
  8. Repeat from point 1.

on Competing (Personal Performance)

  1. Never lose sight of the goal of being #1.
  2. Strives to win every time
  3. Peaking when it counts most
  4. Never get complacent with success, never lower the bar as success comes, and aim higher with each hit.

on Winning

  1. Know the definition of a win
  2. Winning Strategy for that definition,
  3. See other winning strategies that dominate, compare your strategy
  4. Align the people with standards
  5. Start fast, with action
  6. Timing
  7. Managing crunch time and keeping cool

on Critical Thinking (CT)

  1. Apply the skills regularly
  2. Understand the blocks to CT and avoid them (CT traits: curiosity, intellectual flexibility, reasonably skeptical, independent-minded and willingness to explore)
  3. Listen for and understand arguments.
  4. Evaluate the legitimacy of the evidence
  5. Evaluate the case

on Problem Solving

on Learning/Practice

  1. Stage 1 – clarify why the reason for the study and whether it will be used in the new project.
  2. Is it SMART and impactful?
  3. Seek high-quality study information. What new things have you learned?
  4. Stage 2 – Cover all the materials
  5. Stage 3 – Test and Quiz, compete
  6. Stage 4 – Second pass material focusing on failed areas, and start to create a warm-up routine for Gameday.
  7. Stretch Challenge yourself to do something never done before
  8. Stage 5 – Peaking at the right time with a warm-up on the day

on Habits

  1. Cue Craving: Tend to the flames of Desire, wrap faith in strong emotion, feed into the subconscious with autosuggestions – I AM identity.
  2. Specialized knowledge, mind stimulant to awaken imagination to form organized plans of actions
  3. Decide, Be persistent in action and have your mastermind team.

on Productivity

  1. Effective partnering is energy—and time-efficient. Find subject matter experts to reduce effort and long-term cost while focusing on maximizing results. It is less about what you can do, but who do you know that can do it best? Stick to things that you are the only one who can do best with your limited time.
  2. Timeboxing.  If we take all the tasks to be done and estimate the number of hours to get all done, we can see if we need to eliminate some jobs to get our time back.  Many teams overestimate the importance of most things; to be wise is to know what to overlook.  

on Managing

  1. Care for team members. Understanding is a feeling. No matter how smart or insightful people are, we are all prone to being hijacked by unsaid or symbolic language, especially the unsaid about which people are unaware.
  2. Lead by example and is Competent. This means communicating by modeling clear instructions and clear outcomes if things are to be done correctly. It also helps to articulate it as well. It is the only way to unite diverse talents toward a common goal.
  3. Have Integrity. Knows what you stand for and does so even with opposition.

on Influence

  1. Trust and Belief in me: Trust is declaring something and then following through. Consistently say what you will do and then do what you say. Reliability and consistency are good in most things except negotiations. Ideally, you want to be predictable. Embody the virtue of Integrity, a facet of moral character. It connotes attributes such as honesty, truthfulness, straightforwardness, and forthrightness. People want to be able to predict the outcome of your commentary.
  2. History of Production Results: show many failures and the clever actions that turned things around.

on Leadership (uttermost Influence)

  1. Setting Priorities
  2. Has Integrity (character)
  3. Makes positive Changes
  4. Good Problem Solver (Critical Thinking)
  5. Has a positive Attitude
  6. Is a Servant Leader
  7. Has Vision
  8. Is Disciplined
  9. Never-ending Growth
  10. Constantly Teaching and Mentoring

on Relationships

  1. Keep reaching out: ping, email, text, and convert into meaningful conversations. Connect for all occasions, from birthdays to tragedies and everything in between. Be there.
  2. Have a good taste and invite others along.
  3. Be Empathy.

on Marriage

  1. Have a more positive view of your partner than reality itself.
  2. Understand before being understood


Performance and Risks are the two sides of the same coin. The hardest thing about Performance is knowing what you need to measure to be tied back to your mission statement.

Management is practice; it is not knowing but doing. The test is not logic but results; its only authority is Performance. A manager has got to remember that he is on stage every day. His people are watching him. Everything he does, everything he says, and the way he says it sends off clues to his employees. These clues affect Performance. Be first-class in performance; people are taking notes. Clients are taking notes.

Managers convert talent into Performance and deliver value. Talent is the IT factor that one is born by the values that make it reoccurring, something you naturally want to do and love to do. You cannot teach talent. It has to be naturally selected and makes the variance and range in Performance.

on Performance

  1. It is about action, just start, and the next step will be revealed
  2. Get feedback
  3. See the gap between your current position and the goal, take action, repeat

3 elements of personal Performance:

  1. Never lose sight of being number 1, even as success begins to happen,
  2. Knowing when to peak in performance and when to throttle up and down will contribute to your life span and Performance. Taking a breath gives you fresh energy to create
  3. Never becomes complacent with success but seeks to go higher than it has ever been before. One day of practice missed, I see it, two days missed in practice, the critics see it, three days missed, and the patrons see it that Performance has dropped.

The customer experience does not end in a purchase, but they will review Performance and create perception. The quality of this perception can be mathematically represented as Quality = Performance – Expectations, the wider that gap, the more the quality.


  1. Sleeping too little
  2. Planning only affects 15% of performance, so it is better to measure than to estimate.
  3. Picking Performance over people is just a poor choice.
  4. Wrong timing in Stacking tasks


  1. Going to bed early, peak performance is summoned by +ve emotional feelings. waking early and immediately running hard to help optimize Performance
  2. Connection over Perfection: Have good intentions and smile. Commonality impacts performance so don’t correct others especially over semantics. Connect with clients, Connect with managers and connect with team members.
  3. Compete Daily: Feedback and evaluation are based on performance, not the person. Beat your last personal best. The effort is different from the Performance outcome, but I appreciate it.

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