So you want to be a Data Engineer in 2022?


You will need a list of skills, but the list is so long that you can quickly get analysis paralysis.

It would be best if you became data literate as your first step. Here is a crash course in concepts.

You will need a primary development language but at the core, start with SQL and Databases and master shaping the data for BI reporting. SQL straddles both ETL and analytics.

Then you can advance to Apache Spark, where you can use 90% of spark SQL submits, so mastering SQL concepts is a great foundation to help leap forward.

A programming lang will be next to put the SQL to use, and here you can master python, java, scalar, or GO. At the same time. You must master GIT to manage your source code.

Once you master these, you can move into data pipelines and orchestration tools like Airflow or even step functions in AWS.

Build up slowly, and good luck.