TriniJungleJuice.com is the number one (#1) social Caribbean website on Facebook with 29, 989 followers. Following closely behind is Triniscene.com with 28, 290 followers.
Fan base following is the one true metric that can reliably be used to rate website popularity. Web traffic analysis has historically been used to rate website popularity, but has some shortcomings.
There are 2 major reasons: First the data capture is an estimate of what was captured or purchased from the ISP. “It is like watching your house from the moon using a telescope”, says google analytics expert Avinash Kaushik. Some have better lenses but really no one can get an accurate count. Accurate counts need someone to count every page like google analytics or get the logs from the site’s server.
Secondly the data is regionally captured. Folks buy data from North American ISPs which gives us bias data depending on the location of the site visitors.
Fan base is a trusted metric because we as fans choose these leaders of Caribbean culture. Some sites brag of large email subscribers to display popularity. The question is how were the emails obtained by purchase or by participation? This would determine the readership.
e-Mail listings are good if the users are self subscribing but not nearly as interactive as these next generation of web 2.0 websites. Congratulations Trini Jungle Juice as the chosen leader and continue to lead Caribbean culture into the next decade.
As of November 2010, here are the top websites and their corresponding number of fans
TrinijungleJuice.com– 29, 989
TriniScene.com – 28, 290
Scorch Magazine – 15, 595
IslandMix – 9, 677
Toronto-lime – 8, 781
TriniPulse – 6, 591
Another form of user initiated is using search. This is comparable to fans but it is harder to measure the aggregated key words that make up the mental model of a branded website to do this accurately.
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Not everyone is on Facebook but most who are not on Facebook are not in the habit of socializing much beyond the daily routine of their life.
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